2A: Basic Shooter
You've completed Stage 2A, and your first full mechanism! To summarize what you've learned in this stage:
- One way to make 2 parallel plates rigid
- All the factors that go into designing a flywheel shooter
- Tips to reduce friction and inefficiences in power transmissions
- Using a reference drivetrain to build a mechanism off of to reduce integration complexity
- How to create a main layout sketch for a flywheel shooter for balls
- Direction-changes in power transmissions
- Customizing a 3D-printed pulley
- Designing a custom limelight mount for a shooter
- How to model a whole mechanism!
While you've now modeled your first full mechanism, it is fully static in the context of the robot, with no moving parts.
In the next stage, you'll learn the different concepts that go into designing a robust pivot and how to model one in Onshape, making sure to optimize load times.
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